Cliche: Everything But The Kitchen Sink


WASD: Movement

Left Click: Pick up / Throw up Items / Interact with Sink

How To Play

Pick up items around the map and protect yourself from the incoming horde! As you go throughout, use the sink to upgrade yourself or the items you're holding, as well as respawn the items throughout the rooms. Each zombie you kill gives you gold, that you can use to respawn the sink and open new rooms.


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Nice game! The movement feels smooth, especially flying over stairs straight into the next room. It gets a bit boring quickly, because each room is sort of the same. Good job on the game though!

I have found a bug as well: If you go back to the main menu and then enter the game, you can not move around.

(1 edit)

I noticed that too, and this was after the game was already published (I was apart of the team who made it). The workaround (jank as heck) is to pause the game and then click Resume. That should set things right. It comes with the added oddity of storing any movement made until the Resume is pressed, so that means you could spam the jump button and then go flying high into the sky.

EDIT: I will say that the rooms are lackluster, but since we are in college at the same time, the development of the rooms was put to the side a bit (whoops). There are also 105 different options for the Zombie's appearance.